Beginning February 6, the children in the 4-6 year old class will begin using the Read n Grow Picture Bible for Sunday School.. You can purchase it at Amazon or you may be able to borrow a copy. The current 5 & 6 grade used it last year in Sunday School. Two siblings may share one book.
Read-N-Grow Picture Bible: A 1,872-Picture Adventure from Creation to Revelation
Libby Weed (Author), Jim Padgett (Illustrator)
We will teach one lesson per week, starting on page 8, “In the Beginning”.
It would be good to go over the story at home during the week and make sure to bring the book each Sunday.
Please follow this basic schedule when you teach the 4 -6 year old class. We would like them to get used to this structure. If you have any questions please talk to Kathleen.
Basic Schedule
1. Allow the children 5 -10 minutes to talk, stretch, use restroom, get drinks, etc. when they first come in.
2. Teach the Bible story using the Read N Grow Picture Bible. (10-15 minutes)
3. Do catechism workbook lesson. Use m&ms as motivation for complete page, neat page, etc. Take at least 15 – 20 minutes. Encourage excellent coloring.
4. Lunch (15 minutes) / clean up
5. NEW!! Do a Bible skit that goes along with the Bible story that was taught, using the story pictures, characters, and dialogue as a guideline. You may bring in costumes and props.
Molly has been teaching a 15 minute vocal lesson. She will communicate with you about a good time to come in.