Wednesday, February 23, 2011

3-4 Year Old Class

Pam Kirk is putting together a Ten Commandments book for each of the children to do during activity time on Sunday. To personalize the book, we will need to get a few photos from each family .

Here is a list of the photos we need:

Child with father and mother
Child with friends (neighbor)
Wedding picture or parents together
Picture of your home

 A color copy of a photo will work also.Please put all the photos in an envelope with your name and give it to Amy Martucci .If you don’t have pictures, please email Amy Kirk and she will be glad to take some after church.Once we have all the pictures, we will start the book!

We would really appreciate if you comment here so we know if you have read this .

Thank you!


  1. Thanks Amy. Could we email our pictures to Amy? And if so, perhaps you could post a link to her email address (or is it just the Kirk's email?)

  2. Great. I will get Pam my pictures.
    Thank you

  3. Yes. Thank you, I will get our pictures to Amy.

  4. Thank you Amy. Ditto to Leah's comment. Can we email them? I have almost all of those photos, but they are in digital format. Thanks for putting this together.

  5. If you already have digital photos, you can email them to me and I will send them to Costco to be printed. I would like to place ONE order, so the deadline will be this Friday, March 4.

    Send to

  6. Thanks Amy. I'll send them to you. (I will pay for the prints too.)

  7. Thanks Amy I will get them to you by Friday the 4th

  8. I'll give you Joe's pictures this week. Thank-you Amy

  9. I will bring the pix to the school and give them to bethany on friday

  10. Amy,
    We have a photo printer. If everyone wants to email their pictures to, we can print them out. We already have photo paper and ink and it is perfect for a project like this. :)

