Saturday, February 19, 2011

Welcome to our Sunday School Blog

We hope to use this blog as an effective way to communicate Sunday School announcements and exchange ideas. Please send your comments!

I believe in the Holy Ghost,
the holy Christian Church,
the communion of saints,
the forgiveness of sins,
the resurrection of the body,
and the life everlasting

Please check back on a weekly basis for updates


  1. This blog is great Amy! Thank you.
    Do you know anyplace where I can order one of those purple Bible books that Philip's class will be using? I couldn't find them anywhere, but I'd rather get him his own book instead of having him use David's every week.


  2. Leah,

    I believe the 4th grade will be done with their books next week.

  3. Well, if you know where they are available I would still like to get another one for home.

  4. On they have an older version of the same bible. It has a picture of Jesus with children on the front. Does anyone know if the inside is the same? The specifications look the same.

    Leah, If it is the same you could check there. They are always getting more used (good quality) books in stock.

  5. Regarding the Read N Grow Picture Bible: is the only place I know of that sells it. The price fluctuates. I'm not sure if the book Jane is referring to is the same one.

  6. Thanks Jane and Amy. I'll check it out.
